Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June, the month of...?

I haven't got a dietary focus for this month, partly because I was so into the vegan thing I never got around to shifting my attention to making a plan for June.

I have kept (largely) to the vegan thing. I tried salmon once, a previous favourite, and was actually pretty turned off and won't be buying it again. Ditto for cheese, although we have some in the house now because Sarah bought some, but I'm not including it in meals - oh except for some haloumi we had to finish off... No yoghurt or milk or butter at all. And I'm still trying to avoid baked goods (muffins, cakes etc) with the egg and the milk ingredients.

I loved the vegan diet, I liked the way it made me feel and I liked the new ideas it brought to my cooking. It was occasionally inconvenient, but never really difficult and I think would get a lot easier as your lifestyle adapts to it.

I would like to join Dan with the gluten-free thing, but I need to spend more time reading about it and planning what I would eat, then stocking the house with the right foods. Which I will do. The second issue is that I've just started ramping up my training for the Sydney Marathon and added some more bike kms as well, so my body will be working very hard for the next few months and will need some serious carbs. I'm sure it's possible to get enough carbs in a gluten-free manner, but I would need to give it some research before I launch into it.

Dan be warned, I'll be living vicariously through your experience this month and gathering lessons for myself!

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